Two new white papers on Regulation

31 May

Earlier this month before the general election was called the Government published its “Smarter Regulation: One Year On – May 2024” which details new regulation initiative actions for the present and proposals for the future. The publication details 25 new policy announcements, which the Governments anticipates will reduce burdens on business. A link to the publication can be found below:,the%20EU%20by%20June%202026.

The proposals include altering the rules on gaming machines and the pavement licensing consultation. Helpful links are detailed below:


The second white paper is a consultation titled 'Delivering a regulatory environment for innovation, investment and growth', which aims to deliver a shift in the UK regulatory landscape. A link to this whitepaper is detailed below:

However, the relevance of the above publications could be affected by the outcome of the General Election.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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